Business Phone : 86-0577-65158955
ZP-19 Rotary Tablet Pressing Machine
ZP-19 Rotary Tablet Pressing Machine
This machine is a double press automatic rotation for shape-pressing equipment, which have the function of press the grain material or powders to be round or irregular shape tablets, such as candy, calcium tablets double-sides with letter pressing and etc. which widely suitable for the Industries of pharmaceutical, Chemical, Foodstuff, Plastic Electronic, Powder Metallurgy and so on.
1.Mechanical Pressing system for easy maintenance and cleaning.
2.The machine comes with dust collector for clients saving cost and waste purpose.
ZP-19 Rotary Tablet Pressing Machine
This machine is a double press automatic rotation for shape-pressing equipment, which have the function of press the grain material or powders to be round or irregular shape tablets, such as candy, calcium tablets double-sides with letter pressing and etc. which widely suitable for the Industries of pharmaceutical, Chemical, Foodstuff, Plastic Electronic, Powder Metallurgy and so on.
1.Mechanical Pressing system for easy maintenance and cleaning.
2.The machine comes with dust collector for clients saving cost and waste purpose.
Add:LTPM CHINA 2nd Floor,Dongxin Road and 5th Development Road ,Caizhai Industrial Zone, Ruian City, Zhejing Province ,China
Tel:86-0577-65158955 Fax: 86-0577-65158944
Business Phone : 86-0577-65158955
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LeadTop Pharmaceutical Machinery Co., LTD 浙ICP备16043185号-1
LeadTop Pharmaceutical Machinery Co., LTD 浙ICP备20003428号-1